För första gången i flygplan. |
Innan resan var K så rädd, indisk kvinna reser INTE ensam. Sambo och broder följde till Delhi 2 ggr för visum och sedan t. flygplatsen. Också rädd för att var ensam i främmande land. |
this is a thanks letter and a letter about my trip to Sweden
(slightly corrected by Elsa) Most of the pictures are from K:s Camera.
At first I
am thankful to Elsa mam and all persons who gave me a chance to come
there. It was possible because of your help otherwise I could not
afford this. I never thought about go to Sweden, it was only my
dream. Always I wanted to come there and meet all of you. But now I
think if we want something from bottom of our heart then it can be
possible and now I believe dreams come true.
Den första bilden i detta främmande land. Vi tog en sväng till hamnen på väg till fika hos Britta. |
Blå rummet står och väntar…i Täcklebo |
Plocka hallon till frukost... |
What I have seen in
Sweden I can't explain in words because I am totally speechless.
Sweden is totally different from here in India and for me also. Roads,
people's behavior, systems, tecnology and lifestyle is very
different. After this trip I felt more strong myself.I met people
in the meetings that were very polite and nice to me. They liked our
program in Bheel Basti and our work. It gives me new thoughts to
develop my work. I‘ve seen there health Care Center with good and helping staff. Everywhere was very clean. I’ve seen old age home where people lived just like in a home. I’ve seen schools and their education system. I think pupils feel free in their schools.
På barnavårdscentralen och Öppna förskolan i Tanumshede. Tack till alla som ställde upp och gav Kulvinder ett gott intryck av vårt välfärdssystem. Hon noterade särskilt pappornas deltagande och den vänliga stämning som rådde. In child care center and Open day care center. She noticed the father's participation and the friendly atmosphere. |
På mödravårdsentralen. Här förstod hon att mammorna blev mycket snällt mottagna. I Indien vet hon att bemötandet är mycket bryskt. Gud nåde den kvinna som visar att hon har ont under förlossningen. Kulvinder noticed that the attitude towards the mothers were very friendly. |
I en sjätteplats handlade lektionen om Hinduismen. Lämpligt kunde tyckas, Bara det att Kulvinder bekänner sig till Sikhismen. Helt annorlunda än hinduismen. Det blev ett bra samtal om alla religioner som existerar. Och att respektera allas tro. |
I Näverstads kyrka fick Kulvinder en genomgång av reformationen och skillnaden mellan Katolicismen och Protestantismen av Monikas dotter Ida. In the old Näverstad church Monika's daughter Ida told K about the difference between Catholisism and Protestantism…! |
Hos Monika fick Kulvinder bo i denna lilla söta stuga, helt ensam med skogen utanför. Nära intill Monikas hus, men ändå var det en skärrande erfarenhet.Hon berättade att hennes familj hade varit undrande inför detta att många kvinnor tycks bo ensamma i Sverige--har de ingen som beskyddar dem…! The small cottage where K slept by Monika's MED BRITTA KAN MAN LEKA / WITH BRITTA YOU CAN PLAY
TILL STOCKHOLM I’ve seen there amazing Skansen Park in Stockholm with old wooden houses.Now I can imagine how Sweden looked many years ago.
Under Stockholms Broar, 11/2 timmes båttur, som gav även mig aha-upplevelser! Nya vinklar på vår vackra huvudstad. Kulvinder var hänförd! Sight-seeing under the bridges of Stockholm! |
Lunch under almarna, Here we had Lunch, Theese trees were saved by activists in the 70-ties, when the City planned to build a Metro-entrance here. People climbed the trees, they even slept there! The protest lasted for 14 days or more! |
Tomat och Mozarella grillat på smörgås gillades! Kulvinder starts to LIKE Swedish food! |
Carolus Rex XII stod bredvid! |
Vi åkte några hållplatser med T-banans Blå Linje, den med nya upplevelser på varje station. Världsunik. We went by the Metro's Blue Line where every station is a new experience made by different artists for every stop. |
Vi bodde hos gästfria vänner och fick stor frukost på verandan och härlig morgonvandring i den vackra trädgården We stayed comfartably in our friends House and had great breakfasts and morning-walks in the beautyful garden. |
Sergels Torg från Kulturhuset |
Sergels Torg, Sveriges mest centrala plats, där leker svenskarna!
The Swedes are playing in the most central Place, Sergels Torg
Brevet fortsätter i nästa blogg! To be continued in the next blog!
( in next post I ill put many pictures together with the following text……..)
I saw there light house on an island and so called breadbasket that was unbelievable for me bcoz I’ve seen how ice moved and made big hole in the stone- ground.
I met in Sweden many social workers that are very honest for their work. I know I cant change community here but I will try myself and I do my best.
One thing that inspired me was the community grocery shop, fuel pumps and parking places nobody there, but people followed the rules. I've never seen here in India.
People's life style is also very different from here and I noticed women are not under pressure.They are more free and independent. Here also many women are independent but they have no right to use their salary for their own. Sometimes I think because this is our culture. But after this trip I think why do women sacrifice always. I realized if we give respect to ourselves then others give us respect.
Before the start of my journey I was affraid and scared but I was wrong I never felt alone there, everybody was ready to help. And especially I want to say thanks to Elsa mam she was always caring me like a daughter. I lived in her house but I never felt that is not my house.
I noticed there people loved art because I met many persons who are artists.
One more thing that impressed me was their food. Their food was different but very tasty. I have eaten many type of food and I learn also. I’ve always eaten here very similar food in my life.
This trip was very educational, interesting and inspiring for me. It gave me new energy for my work.
I wish this will not be my first and last trip because I want to go there again and again and I think travels give us more energy. And our way of thinking and work can be changed with travel experiences.Now at last I want to say again thanks to all of you for your financial and moral support to me.
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