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Föreningen Mahilas vänner; Bg: 420-5431

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


On the 21 of December Frida returned to Sweden. So now the filming must be complete. And I miss my companion for one month.A big hug to Frida! We made a filmed stroll through the city and up to the fort.It ended in the fort entrance place where we had some orangejuice.

And then the long train to Delhi, which she will reach in 18 hours.

The day before Cristmas the women in the village were invited to a Surprise- cake- party. And everybody was there curiously waiting.The Doctor who use to stay in Artist Hotel and who also runs a hospital and medical center in Bihar since 42 years wanted to visit us.And we could all listen to how the life circumstances are in Bihar. No roads, no electricity, not enough clean drinking water.

Misri the young Coock in Hotel Artist had made very good cakes and it was enough for all including also all curious children. Some of the women couldn't eat the cakes because of religious reasons. They don't eat eggs.

After tea and eating cakes there was possibility for consulting the Doctor, who is a skinspecialist. And many needed help with different skin deseases. The advice was often:use BORO-PLUS! It's based on natural components, no chemicals,which is the best.-"I think he has interests in that boro-plus business"- Shanti says.

Doctor had bought a favourite embroidery and he wanted to meet the lady who had made it. So Jija 1st got her best surprise of the month! 500 Rupies extra money from the Doctor.He declares that surprises are very energetic and important parts in human communications.

The day after we could see Jija in her new rosa dupatta= schal! Shining, happy!

Then this visit was over and we got many good advises from the Doctor. And we hope to meet him again before he returns to Bihar.

Next day was Xmas eve and there was a traditional x-mas party on the roof terrass of Hotel Artist. In the night I went to a Midnight Mess in S:t Paul's church. At least the generous light decorations were giving Christmas feelings.
After I got a ride back to hotel on a MC. Ice-cold at 12.30 it was, and that was the start of a heavy cold..



Anonymous said...

Oj, så mycket det händer!! Jag blir bara så glad. Kul att höra att det är kallt, här är det varmt, 24 grader varmare än i fjol vid denna tid! Ingen is,ingen snö och fåglarna har vår-ljud.
Kul att se/höra/läsa om symaskinerna, skall bli väldigt spännande att höra fortsättningen om detta. Men så bedrövligt att höra om denna flicka som inte skall få gå i skolan, det är mycket i traditionen som sitter hårt. Hör ni något om han Hanna som hungerstrejkar i Bombay för att få stopp på korruptionen? Jag skulle kunna hungerstrejka för att flickor får bättre möjligheter.....detta borde göra susen på julmaten som lagt sej om midjan. Hälsa att jag försöker hungerstrejka och kolla om det blir nån reaktion, du behöver ju inte säja nåt om det svenska julfrosseriet. Ja, snacka om att kunna bryta traditioner, här äter vi ihjäl oss o där låter de inte flickor gå i skolan.
Hoppas att nästa år få träffa denne doktor från Bihar,varför är han så långt hemifrån? Har han semester? Eller som mej, längtan till öknen.
Var hittade du katedralen för att fira julmässa? Inte visste jag att det fanns en sådan.
Gott nytt år och många kramar till er alla från Monika som läntar till öknen

Mahila said...

Kara Monika,
Tack for langt brev!
Ja, det hander mer o mer... Jag skall beratta for kvinnorna om din tankta hungerstrejk! I morgon fortsatter vi med vara circletalks.
Och da skall vi tala om uppfostran av flickor/pojkar till jamlika... ocj om flickors skola/ marrige...
Varm kram Elsa